About me

Kasia Chmara is an actress (she finished International Film, Theatre and Tv School in Lodz) and teacher and performs with I’m Kasia, I’m a polish actress and improviser. I have completed my PhD in arts in Creating Character on script play through improvisation techniques in International Film, Theatre and Tv School in Lodz, I am a teacher and perform with numerous improv groups, such as the the duo group „Two Sisters”, “One”as well as the European improv project „Ohana”, “Which is Which”- Irish ,Polish duo, and solo show “Adventure Girl”. I am an programm director of Improdrom- International Improv Festival in Bydgoszcz, Poland. I regularly lead theater and improvisation workshops in Poland and abroad. I have been teaching theater since 1998 in Poland, Spain, Czech, India, Ireland, Slovenia, France, Estonia, Germany,Latvia Greece, Sweden, Włoszech. Nowadays I am an actress at the Kameralny Theatre in Bydgoszcz. I constantly learn something new through contact with other people. I love sharing my experience with others. I am dyslexic, I speak faster than I think. I love being with people, but I also love being alone. For me, improvisation is a freedom that I can experience knowing that thanks to it I can also keep my feet firmly on the ground.

Always full of energy, in a constant rush

Here you can check out fan pages of projects of which she is part to a greater or lesser extent.

Read opinions and decide if she is worth cooperation!

Kasia is not an ordinary person, but an exceptional woman. An outstanding artist, internationally recognised improvisor and a very gifted actress. Not only active on stage, but behind the scenes – working as a teacher, coach and supervisor as she had this wonderful skill of passing on practicable knowledge to others and motivating them to become better. Original, powerful, versatile and invincible. The one and only… Katarzyna Chmara!

– Lena Wachowiak

Katarzyna traveled all the way to Bengaluru, India and she carried a beautiful vibe with her all through. Her teaching was insightful from the two workshops on Storytelling and Singing that she had taken. She can bob her head like an Indian with ease now.

– Nasir Nash

Its not everyday you see a performance that patiently takes you through the chaos of relationships. A performance that makes you smile, laugh and think. Thats what I felt when I saw the performance. Wonderful love for the art. Katarzyna is a powerful performer and patient teacher and I highly recommend her storytelling workshop.

– Naveen Malandro Kaushik